Data structures in TimageTK

TimageTK offers several data structures. We hereafter introduce them and explain their purpose.


Based on the meaning of the values in the array(s) describing the image(s), we can differentiate two main types of images: intensity & labelled images.

Intensity images

For intensity images, the values in the array(s) describing the image(s) represent a signal intensity obtained using microscopy imaging technique.

Computer Science











a TimeSeries may be made of an ordered list of SpatialImage or MultiChannelImage!

Segmented images

In the case of segmented images, the values in the array(s) describing the image(s) represent a label or cell id obtained by transformation (segmentation and unique labelling) of the intensity images using computational technique(s). It thus refers to an abstracted object.

Computer Science







a LabelledTimeSeries, may or may not have a lineage tree!

Class SpatialImage

This is our base image class inheriting from NumPy ndarray class.

It has methods to access and edit critical image attributes such as:

  • array shape

  • image origin

  • voxel-size

  • physical extent.

Array modification methods also exists and should be preferred to the ones from NumPy in order to ensure the consistency of the SpatialImage data structure.


Use is limited to 2D or 3D images. Physical properties of the image such as its shape, voxelsize, extent & origin are protected.


Algorithms should preserve reference to original image, add their names and used parameters to metadata (ProcessingMetadata).


  1. Array:

    • inherit from numpy.ndarray;

    • row-major order (C-contiguous);

  2. Use hidden attributes behind properties with no setter;

  3. Use Metadata class (metadata dictionary) & a filename attribute;

  4. Use ProcessingMetadata;

Known issues

  • changing physical properties can be done by array re-slicing, e.g. img2 = img[::2, ::2, ::2] take a slice every two; need to have a method to update image properties & metadata

  • no distinctions can be done between intensity and labeled images; use extra classes or attributes?

Class LabelledImage

This class inherit from SpatialImage and is specific to labelled image representation. This mean that in this data structure, the array does not represent a signal intensity anymore, but rather the cells position in space.

This type of data is often obtained by segmentation procedures like watershed, snake contours or other ML assisted segmentation methods.


Same as SpatialImage.


Same as SpatialImage.

Known issues

  • when using an image reader, we have no idea if we are loading a SpatialImage or a LabelledImage in the case of a 2D or 3D image.

Class MultiAngleImage

This module implement a class dedicated to multi-angle images, meaning that we have a set of images representing the same observed object but from different points of view.


A set of views should be obtained in a short time window to ensure growth has not altered the object under observation between the first and the last acquisition.

Since they can be made of a potentially large number of images (that would fill up the available memory), we implemented this class with “on the fly disk file access” instead of loading arrays in memory.



Known issues

  • imread cannot returns MultiAngleImage, they have to be manually initialized

Class MultiChannelImage

This module implement a class dedicated to multiple channel images, meaning that we have a set of images representing the same observed object but presenting signal intensities from different wavelength (like an RGB image).


This should be obtained in a short time window to ensure growth has not altered the object under observation between the first and the last acquisition.



Known issues

  • We have a read method (only from CZI files!) but no save method!

Class TimeSeries

This is not implemented yet.

Class Metadata

This module implement a generic metadata class.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from timagetk.components.metadata import Metadata
>>> md = {'origin': [0, 0], 'shape': (10, 10), 'voxelsize':np.array([0.2, 0.2])}
>>> md = Metadata(md)
>>> md.origin
[0, 0]
>>> md.shape
(10, 10)
>>> md.get_dict()
{'origin': [0, 0], 'shape': (10, 10), 'voxelsize': [0.2, 0.2]}

Class ImageMetadata

This module implement a metadata class specific to image information.


  • Use ‘timagetk’ as the metadata main root key to store information

  • Use ‘class’ key for class information

  • Use a counter to sort operation orders

  • Under each number save a dictionary with details of the modification or about algorithm applied, such as its name and their parameters or the name of the transformation (or even the transformation if linear!).


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from timagetk.components.spatial_image import SpatialImage
>>> test_array = np.ones((5,5,10), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> image_1 = SpatialImage(test_array, voxelsize=[1., 1., 2.])
>>> image_iso = image_1.isometric_resampling()
>>> image_iso.metadata['timagetk']
{(1, 'resample_isotropic'):
    {'params': {},
        {(1, 'resample'):
                {'image': ['', ''],
                'option': 'gray',
                'voxelsize': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]},
                {(1, 'apply_trsf'):
                    {'dtype': None,
                    'image': ['', ''],
                    'param_str_1': '-linear -template-dim 5 5 20 -template-voxel 1.0 1.0 1.0',
                    'param_str_2': ' -resize -interpolation linear',
                    'template_img': ['', ''],
                    'trsf': None}

Class ProcessingMetadata

This is not implemented yet.

Use the function to add parameters to metadata when performing image modifications.