Getting started

We strongly advise to create isolated environment using conda (or venv). This allows to get rid of most requirement incompatibilities and access the latest versions of some libraries.

In the following section we will detail how to install TimageTK using its conda package. To contribute to the development or simply install from the sources, look here.


You need to install miniconda first if you plan to use a conda environment. Look here to learn more about conda and find instructions to install the latest version of miniconda3.


For Windows system, we neither test installation from sources, nor provide conda packages. Although if you have Windows 10, you could try the Windows Subsystem for Linux, see the official documentation from Microsoft here.

Installing TimageTK

This is the simplest way of installing TimageTK, but you will not be able to participate to development or build the documentation.


To install TimageTK you should choose either section A (new environment) OR B (existing environment). If you are not sure which one to choose, follow section A.

A - In a new environment

Once you have installed Miniconda3 you can create the conda environment (here named titk) and install TimageTK in one command:

conda create -n titk -c mosaic -c morpheme -c conda-forge timagetk


The dependencies are managed by conda, but you may need/want to install some optional dependencies like ipython or jupyter-notebook.


Do not forget to activate your titk environment as follows:

conda activate titk

B - In an existing environment

To install TimageTK in an existing environment of you choosing (here named my_env), simply run:

conda install -n my_env -c mosaic -c morpheme -c conda-forge timagetk

Optional conda packages

Optional packages:

  • ipython: improved Python shell

  • jupyter-notebook: required to run the notebooks


It may be useful to install ipython if you work from the console:

conda install -c conda-forge ipython


The jupyter-notebook package is not installed by default to limit the size of the environment. If you wish to do so, to run an example notebook from the gitlab, simply run:

conda install -c conda-forge jupyter-notebook

Test installation

To test your install, simply test the import of timagetk with:

conda activate titk
python -c 'import timagetk'

If it all went well, you should not see anything. On the opposite, if you get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'timagetk' that mean the installation failed!

For developers

To contribute to timagetk development, we suggest to follow a different procedure described here.