
Quaternion creation module.

Quaternion can be used to create linear transformation (rigid and affine). They can be used to manually create a transformation and apply it to intensity or labelled images.

timagetk.algorithms.quaternion.centered_rotation_trsf(image, angle, axis)[source]

Rotate an image around centered axis.

  • image (timagetk.SpatialImage) – Image to rotate

  • angle (float) – Angle, in degree, of the rotation around the axis. Should be in the ]-360, 360[ range.

  • axis ({"x", "y", "z"}) – Rotation axis.


Trsf – Rotation of given angle around axis, image centered, to use with apply_trsf.


>>> from timagetk.io import imread
>>> from timagetk.io.util import shared_data
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.quaternion import centered_rotation_trsf
>>> img = imread(shared_data('p58-t0-a0.lsm', 'p58'))
>>> r_angle = 10
>>> # Rotate around z-axis by 90° clockwise:
>>> trsf_z = centered_rotation_trsf(img, r_angle, 'z')
>>> z_rotated_img = apply_trsf(img, trsf_z)
>>> # Rotate around x-axis by 90° clockwise:
>>> trsf_x = centered_rotation_trsf(img, r_angle, 'x')
>>> x_rotated_img = apply_trsf(img, trsf_x)
>>> # Display result images using 'contour projections':
>>> from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
>>> img_names = ["Original image", "Z-axis {}° rotated image".format(r_angle), "X-axis {}° rotated image".format(r_angle)]
>>> grayscale_imshow([img, z_rotated_img, x_rotated_img], suptitle="Axis centered rotation", title=img_names)
timagetk.algorithms.quaternion.point_rotation_trsf(angle, axis, point, unit='voxel')[source]

Return a transformation, as a Trsf instance, for rotation around axis and point.

  • angle (float) –

    Angle, in degree, of the clockwise rotation around the axis.

    Should be in the ]-360, 360[ range.

  • axis ({"x", "y", "z"}) – Rotation axis.

  • point (list of float) – Translation to apply to axis not selected in axis. Should be a list of length-2 values, pay attention to the associated trsf_unit.

  • unit ({'real', 'voxel'}) – The unit of the rotation matrix, important for given point units.


Trsf – Rotation of given angle around axis, centered at point, to use with apply_trsf.


>>> from timagetk.io import imread
>>> from timagetk.io.util import shared_data
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.quaternion import point_rotation_trsf
>>> img = imread(shared_data('p58-t0-a0.lsm', 'p58'))
>>> x, y, z = img.get_extent()[::-1]
>>> xy_center = (x/2., y/2.)
>>> xz_center = (x/2., z/2.)
>>> r_angle = 10
>>> # Rotate image around centered z-axis:
>>> z_rotate_trsf = point_rotation_trsf(r_angle, 'z', xy_center)
>>> z_rotated_img = apply_trsf(img, z_rotate_trsf)
>>> # Rotate image around centered y-axis:
>>> y_rotate_trsf = point_rotation_trsf(r_angle, 'y', xz_center)
>>> y_rotated_img = apply_trsf(img, y_rotate_trsf)
>>> # Display result images using 'contour projections':
>>> from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
>>> img_names = ["Original image", "Z-axis {}° rotated image".format(r_angle), "Y-axis {}° rotated image".format(r_angle)]
>>> grayscale_imshow([img, z_rotated_img, y_rotated_img], suptitle="Axis centered rotation", title=img_names)
timagetk.algorithms.quaternion.quaternion_rotation_matrix(angle, axis)[source]

Return quaternion for rotation around axis.

  • angle (float) – Angle, in degree, of the rotation around the axis. Should be in the ]-360, 360[ range.

  • axis ({"x", "y", "z"}) – Rotation axis.


numpy.ndarray – Quaternion defining the rotation of given angle around given axis [wiki_rotmat].



>>> from timagetk.io import imread
>>> from timagetk.io.util import shared_data
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.quaternion import quaternion_rotation_matrix
>>> from timagetk import Trsf
>>> img = imread(shared_data('p58-t0-a0.lsm', 'p58'))
>>> r_angle = 10
>>> quat = quaternion_rotation_matrix(r_angle, "z")
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf, inv_trsf
>>> trsf = Trsf(quat)  # Trsf objects are in real units by default
>>> print(trsf.get_array())
[[ 0.98480775 -0.17364818  0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.17364818  0.98480775  0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.          1.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.          0.          1.        ]]
>>> rotated_img = apply_trsf(img, inv_trsf(trsf))  # invert the transformation to rotate clockwise around the origin
>>> # Display result images using 'contour projections':
>>> from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
>>> img_names = ["Original", "Rotated by {}°".format(r_angle)]
>>> grayscale_imshow([img, rotated_img], title=img_names, suptitle="Clockwise rotation along z-axis at origin")
timagetk.algorithms.quaternion.quaternion_translation_matrix(tx, ty, tz)[source]

Return quaternion for image translation.

Q = [[1., 0., 0., tx],

[0., 1., 0., ty], [0., 0., 1., tz], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]

  • tx (int or float) – Translation along x-axis.

  • ty (int or float) – Translation along y-axis.

  • tz (int or float) – Translation along z-axis.


numpy.ndarray – Quaternion defining the translation.


>>> from timagetk.io import imread
>>> from timagetk.io.util import shared_data
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.quaternion import quaternion_translation_matrix
>>> from timagetk import Trsf
>>> img = imread(shared_data('p58-t0-a0.lsm', 'p58'))
>>> # Defines a x & y translation by half the extent (*i.e.* real units)
>>> xe, ye, ze = img.get_extent()
>>> tx=round(xe/2., 3); ty=round(ye/2., 3); tz=0
>>> quat = quaternion_translation_matrix(tx, ty, tz)
>>> # Apply this translation:
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf, inv_trsf
>>> trsf = Trsf(quat)  # Trsf objects are in real units by default
>>> print(trsf.get_array())
[[ 1.     0.     0.    29.   ]
 [ 0.     1.     0.    45.973]
 [ 0.     0.     1.     0.   ]
 [ 0.     0.     0.     1.   ]]
>>> translated_img = apply_trsf(img, inv_trsf(trsf))  # invert the transformation to "move away" from the origin
>>> # Display result images using 'contour projections':
>>> from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
>>> img_names = ["Original image", "Translated image"]
>>> grayscale_imshow([img, translated_img], suptitle=f"Translated by {tx}µm in X and {ty}µm in Y", title=img_names)
>>> # Defines a x & y translation by 100 voxels in X and 50 in Y:
>>> quat = quaternion_translation_matrix(tx=100, ty=50, tz=0)
>>> # Apply this translation:
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf
>>> trsf = Trsf(quat)
>>> trsf.set_unit('voxel')  # change transformation units from 'real' (default) to 'voxel'
>>> print(trsf.get_array())
[[  1.   0.   0. 100.]
 [  0.   1.   0.  50.]
 [  0.   0.   1.   0.]
 [  0.   0.   0.   1.]]
>>> translated_img = apply_trsf(img, inv_trsf(trsf))  # invert the transformation to "move away" from the origin
>>> # Display result images using 'contour projections':
>>> from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
>>> img_names = ["Original image", "Translated image"]
>>> grayscale_imshow([img, translated_img], suptitle="Translated by 100 voxels in X and 50 in Y", title=img_names)
timagetk.algorithms.quaternion.rotation_trsf(angle, axis, unit='real')[source]

Return a transformation, as a Trsf instance, for rotation around given axis.

  • angle (float) – angle, in degree, of the rotation around the axis. Should be in the ]-360, 360[ range.

  • axis ({"x", "y", "z"}) – Rotation axis.

  • unit ({"real", "voxel"}) – Defines if the transformation is in real unit (default) or voxel unit.


Trsf – Rotation of given angle around axis, to use with apply_trsf.


>>> from timagetk.io import imread
>>> from timagetk.io.util import shared_data
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.quaternion import rotation_trsf
>>> from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
>>> img = imread(shared_data('p58-t0-a0.lsm', 'p58'))
>>> # Origin centered z-axis rotation by 10°:
>>> trsf_z10 = rotation_trsf(10, "z")
>>> rotated_imgz10 = apply_trsf(img, trsf_z10)
>>> # Origin centered x-axis rotation by 10°:
>>> trsf_x10 = rotation_trsf(10, "x")
>>> rotated_imgx10 = apply_trsf(img, trsf_x10)
>>> # Display result images using 'contour projections':
>>> img_names = ["Original image", "Clockwise z-rotation by 10°", "Clockwise x-rotation by 10°"]
>>> grayscale_imshow([img, rotated_imgz10, rotated_imgx10], suptitle="Origin centered rotations", title=img_names)
timagetk.algorithms.quaternion.translation_trsf(tx, ty, tz, unit='real')[source]

Return a transformation, as a Trsf instance, for image translation.

  • tx (int or float) – Translation for x-axis

  • ty (int or float) – Translation for y-axis

  • tz (int or float) – Translation for z-axis

  • unit ({"real", "voxel"}) – Defines if the transformation is in real unit (default) or voxel unit.


trsf – Trsf defining the translation, to use with apply_trsf.


Function apply_trsf has a different convention than the one used in quaternion_translation_matrix, thus the translations are inverted.


>>> from timagetk.io import imread
>>> from timagetk.io.util import shared_data
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.quaternion import translation_trsf
>>> from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf
>>> from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
>>> # Defines a -20 voxels x-translation, this will move the image toward the x-axis origin
>>> trsf = translation_trsf(tx=-20., ty=0, tz=0, unit='voxel')
>>> print(trsf)
vtTransformation : {
 type    : AFFINE_3D,
 unit    : voxel,
>>> print(trsf.get_array())
[[ 1.  0.  0. 20.]
 [ 0.  1.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  1.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  1.]]
>>> img = imread(shared_data('p58-t0-a0.lsm', 'p58'))
>>> # Apply this translation using shared data as example:
>>> translated_img = apply_trsf(img, trsf)
>>> # Display result images using 'contour projections':
>>> img_names = ["Original image", "Translated image"]
>>> grayscale_imshow([img, translated_img], img_title=img_names)
>>> # Defines a y-translation by half the y-extent, this will move the image by away from the y-axis origin
>>> xe, ye, ze = img.get_extent()
>>> trsf = translation_trsf(tx=0, ty=ye/2., tz=0)
>>> print(trsf)
vtTransformation : {
 type    : AFFINE_3D,
 unit    : real,
>>> print(trsf.get_array())
[[  1.           0.           0.           0.        ]
 [  0.           1.           0.         -45.97333385]
 [  0.           0.           1.           0.        ]
 [  0.           0.           0.           1.        ]]
>>> # Apply this translation using shared data as example:
>>> translated_img = apply_trsf(img, trsf)
>>> # Display result images using 'contour projections':
>>> img_names = ["Original image", "Translated image"]
>>> grayscale_imshow([img, translated_img], title=img_names)