Source code for timagetk.visu.temporal_projection

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Copyright (c) 2022 Univ. Lyon, ENS de Lyon, UCB Lyon 1, CNRS, INRAe, Inria
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of the TimageTK library, and is released under the "GPLv3"
#  license. Please see the file that should have been included as
#  part of this package.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""This module contains tools to generate 2D intensity projections for a time series of grayscale images."""

from os import sep

from imageio import imwrite as io_imwrite
from imageio import mimsave as gif_writer

from timagetk.algorithms.resample import resample
from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf
from timagetk.bin.logger import get_logger
from timagetk.tasks.registration import sequence_registration
from timagetk.visu.projection import projection

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] def sequence_projections(list_img, method='contour', register=False, export_png=False, **kwargs): """Get the list of Max Intensity Projections from list of images. Parameters ---------- list_img : list of SpatialImage List of 3D image to project. method : str, optional Method to use for projection, see ``PROJECTION_METHODS`` for available methods. register : bool, optional If ``True``, default is ``False``, performs a rigid sequence registration before generating MIPs. export_png : bool, optional If ``True``, default is ``False``, export the individual MIPs as PNG files. Other Parameters ---------------- axis : {'x', 'y', 'z'} Axis to use for projection. invert_axis : bool If ``True``, revert the selected axis before projection. threshold : int Threshold to use with the 'contour' method. Returns ------- list 2D SpatialImage See Also -------- timagetk.visu.projection.PROJECTION_METHODS Examples -------- >>> from import imread >>> from import shared_dataset >>> from timagetk.tasks.registration import sequence_registration >>> from timagetk.visu.temporal_projection import sequence_projections >>> from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow >>> times = shared_dataset("p58", "time-points") >>> list_fnames = shared_dataset("p58", "intensity") >>> list_images = [imread(fname) for fname in list_fnames] >>> # Generates the max intensity projections: >>> mips = sequence_projections(list_images, method='maximum') >>> grayscale_imshow(mips) >>> # Generates & save the max intensity projections as PNGs: >>> mips = sequence_projections(list_images, threshold=45, export_png=True) >>> # Register image list then generates & save the max intensity projections as PNGs: >>> mips = sequence_projections(list_images, threshold=45, register=True, export_png=True) """ if register: list_trsf = sequence_registration(list_img, method='rigid') ref_img = list_img[-1] for n, trsf in enumerate(list_trsf): float_img = list_img[n] list_img[n] = apply_trsf(float_img, trsf, template_img=ref_img) mips = [] for img in list_img: mip = projection(img, method=method, **kwargs) mips.append(mip) if export_png: fp, fn = img.filepath, img.filename path = fp if fp != '' else img.metadata['filepath'] name = fn if fn != '' else img.metadata['filename'] # Defines the PNG filename: png_name = path + sep + name + '_mip.png'"Saving MIP: {png_name}") io_imwrite(png_name, mip.get_array(), format='png', dpi=mip.voxelsize * 100)"Done.\n") return mips
[docs] def mips2gif(mips, gif_fname, fps=1., reshape=None): """Write an animated GIF file from the sequence of mips. Parameters ---------- mips : list(SpatialImages) List of MIPs, *i.e.* 2D projections of images gif_fname : str Name of the gif file to write fps : float, optional Frame per second, default is 1. reshape : list, optional The shape of the GIF image to return, *e.g.* [256, 256] Notes ----- If your images have different shapes, you should register them over the temporal sequence or specify a shape to apply to all images so they all fit in the GIF. Examples -------- >>> from import imread >>> from import shared_dataset >>> from timagetk.visu.temporal_projection import sequence_projections >>> from timagetk.visu.temporal_projection import mips2gif >>> times = shared_dataset("p58", "time-points") >>> list_fnames = shared_dataset("p58", "intensity") >>> list_images = [imread(fname) for fname in list_fnames] >>> # Register image list then generates the max intensity projections: >>> mips = sequence_projections(list_images, threshold_value=45, register=True) >>> # Example #1 - Generate GIF animation: >>> from import shared_data >>> mips2gif(mips, shared_data("p58_TimeLapse.gif", "p58")) >>> # Example #2 - Generate GIF animation and control the final size to 265x256: >>> mips2gif(mips, shared_data("p58_TimeLapse.gif", "p58"), reshape=[256, 256]) """ if reshape is not None: for n, img in enumerate(mips): mips[n] = resample(img, shape=reshape) gif_writer(gif_fname, [m.get_array() for m in mips], format='gif', fps=fps) return "Saved GIF under: '{}'".format(gif_fname)