\[\newcommand{\euclid}[1]{\mathbb{R}^{#1}} \newcommand{\pos}{\boldsymbol{x}} \newcommand{\field}{u} \newcommand{\source}{g} \newcommand{\body}{\Omega} \newcommand{\surf}{\partial\body} \newcommand{\grad}[1]{\boldsymbol{\nabla}(#1)} \newcommand{\tline}{[t_0, t_{\infty}]}\]

General Introduction

BVP & IBVP in a nutshell

By definition, a BVP encompasses three elements:

  • A (set) differential equation(s), \(F(\dots)\) in eq.(1) below.

  • An integration domain (\(\body\)).

  • A set of constrains defined on the boundaries of the integration domain (\(\surf_N\cup\surf_D\)).

(1)\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} F(\field, \grad{\field} \dots) = 0 & \text{in} \quad \body \\ \field(\pos) = u_N(\pos) & \text{on} \quad \surf_N \\ \grad{\field(\pos)} = \boldsymbol{j}(\pos) & \text{on} \quad \surf_D \end{cases}\end{split}\]

In the case of dynamic systems, the integration domain can be split into a one-dimension line and a spatial hyperplane: \(\body = \tline\times\body_{t_0}\). Where the spatial hyperplane \(\body_{t_0}\) is amused not to evolve with time[^1]. In the case of differential equation featuring only first-order time derivatives, this variable separation yields the following formalization:

(2)\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \partial_t u = F(\field, \grad{\field} \dots) & \text{in} \quad \body \\ \field(t_0, \pos) = u_0(\pos) & \text{on} \quad \body_{t_0}\\ \field(t,\pos) = u_N(t,\pos) & \text{on} \quad \surf_N\\ \grad{\field(t,\pos)} = \boldsymbol{j}(t,\pos) & \text{on} \quad \surf_D \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(\surf_N\) and \(\surf_D\) now stand respectively for \(\tline\times\surf_{t_0N}\) and \(\tline\times\surf_{t_0D}\).

Scope and restriction: In its current version, Bvpy only encompass first and second-order BVPs and, as depicted by eq.(2), first-order time derivative in the case of IBVPs.

Bvpy general philosophy

Inspired by FEniCS approach and principle, the Bvpy library has been organized as close as possible to the BVP and IBVP mathematical formulations given in eqs. (1) & (2), see Fig.1. The goal is to provide users, and especially non-experienced ones, with the most intuitive API possible.

To that end, the library is built around two main classes, named BVP and IBVP, that respectively encapsulate FEniCS implementations of eqs. (1) & (2). These classes are parametrized by three main arguments that echoe the three BVPs components mentioned above. Instanciation of these arguments is handle through corresponding modules: bvpy.domains, bvpy.vforms and bvpy.boundary_condition. These two main classes combined with these three main modules constitute the backbone of Bvpy.

Numerical estimation of the instanced BVPs and IBVPs requires solver, those are handled by the bvpy.solvers module. Finally, a bvpy.utils module gathers housekeeping methods and minor classes organized into thematic sub-modules (i.e. bvpy.utils.io, bvpy.utils.visu…).


Fig.1: Representation of the main modules and submodules forming the Bvpy library.